lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

Reciprocal Teaching is a strategy that asks students and teachers to share the role of teacher by allowing both to lead the discussion about a given reading. Reciprocal Teaching involves four strategies that guide the discussion: predicting, question generating, summarizing and clarifying.

Create and use the strategy

Designate one student as the "teacher" within each small group. This student will help keep their small group on task and ensure they move through each of the four steps as they read material that has already been divided it into smaller chunks by you. Next, you will read the first chunk to all the small groups, modeling the following four steps of reciprocal teaching.

1. Prediction

a. Ask students to predict what they think the reading may be about. Get them to think about what is going to happen by asking questions like a detective might do.

2. Question as you go

a. Remind students to generate questions as they listen and read. Remind them of the three levels of questions:

i. Right-There questions (answer in the text)

ii. Between-the-lines questions (inference needed)

iii. Critical Thought questions (require their opinion)

3. Clarify

a. As students listen and read remind them to ask themselves what words and phrases are unclear to them. These clarifications may take the form of the following questions.

i. How do you pronounce that?

ii. What does the word mean?

iii. I think the author is saying…

iv. I'm guessing 'pie-in-the-sky' means…

4. Summarize

a. Students summarize verbally, within pairs, and then share with their assigned small group or record their summary and read it aloud to their small group.

Each small group could create a semantic map with major points of significance shared by each group member.

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